segunda-feira, março 17, 2014

Differences and curiosities USA

Anyway, this time I’m here to talk about cultural differences and american curiosities that I have seen while living in this area. And most of them are in my opinion too, if you disagree, I’m sorry, I’m just saying. :)

  1. Kids can fart and burp at the table during their meal, it’s fine if they excuse themselves. Even though if they don’t, it’s still okay;
  2. The most important meal of the day is dinner;
  3. Time out is a magical word. It works a lot;
  4. Snowstorm?
    How you imagine:

    How it is:

    But it doesn’t matter… run, stay warm at your house, be safe, no class, no work. Au Pairs love those days! (I’m just kidding about this one, we never know how intense can be, but they are very careful about snowstorms and bla bla bla);
  5. Dinner time is when all the family get together to catch up;
  6. Public schools are highly prized;
  7. It’s kind of hard you find a young american guy/girl working in their area, like, they have a graduate certificate, but they work as a barman, waitress, you know, money and independence are priorities in here;
  8. Americans are very talkative. You’re on the metro and a random person just start talking to you, about the weather, about his/her bad day, whatever;
  9. When an american girl likes something on you, like your hair, your outfit, she is going to tell you:

    “Ohhh my God, I loved your jacket! Where did you get it?”
  10. Boys usually pay you a drink;
  11. It’s not always that they will pay your dinner;
  12. American guys are very gentleman when they want;
  13. Snapchat is a pretty famous photo app;
  14. Online dating is very popular;
  15. But Tinder is an app where people usually use to hook up only;
  16. Be careful! American guys that you never saw in your life, but for some reason you have his number or whatever,  … they love to send you pictures of their… you know! I don’t know why, maybe it’s about confidence, self esteem, or who cares! But no, it’s not normal, it’s unacceptable! I think!  (kidding!)
  17. You, brazilian, are not gonna receive in here, from their (obviously), that warm hug that you’re use to receiving in Brazil;
  18. Yes! It’s super possible to have a healthy life in here, there are a bunch of healthy food, amazing places to run, and no matter what (rain, snow, wind) you always see someone running, doing exercises and bla bla bla;
  19. Pepsi is tastier than Coca-Cola (my opinion!);
  20. They say ‘excuse me’, ‘sorry’ for everything;
  21. If you don’t like spicy food (like me), poor you, even when you ask if it’s spicy or something because you don’t like it, and they say ‘no’, don’t trust them, yes! it’s spicy! haha, but you know, I’ve gotten used to it;
  22. Tip is in everywhere! You have to pay tips for everybody! Damn! Hate to pay tip for the taxi driver!;
  23. Tax? Well, depending on the state the amount can change;
  24. You will make a collection of cents, they always give your change back;
  25. If you buy something, but in the end, for some reason you didn’t like it, or didn’t fit, or whatever, that’s fine, they will change it or give your money back, it’s simple;
  26. Shopping online is very popular also;
  27. In some restaurants they already split the check for each, you know, in case you are with a group… simple and easier;
  28. Water is for free, from the spout, but… well, I’m still alive, don’t worry;
  29. Everywhere soda is refill;
  30. They are the worst drivers ever, but before them, it’s me, of course;
  31. The roads are amazing;
  32. Most of the cases you can turn right even if the traffic light is red;
  33. You put gas by yourself, easy, easy;
  34. The price of the gas can change at a glance and most of people don’t notice that;
  35. It’s allowed to compare one product to another in the advertisements;
  36. Birthday parties for kids are so boring, it takes like 2 hours, 3 maybe, and if your child has siblings, no, they are not invited;
  37. No claps in the Happy Birthday song!;
  38. They treat dogs like human being, love that :);
  39. Kids are not use to taking shower everyday;
  40. Everybody has iPhone;
  41. No, you can’t drink your delightful beer outdoor, any alcoholic drink;
  42. Kids are super hiper protected by their parents. I personally don’t like that;
  43. Even the homeless speaks English, very fancy! (haha, just kidding);
  44. Most of the clubs shut around 2am, 230 am, depending on the place;
  45. Even the mason (pedreiro) is handsome, please, don’t generalize okay!? but yes, I think so, haha;
  46. There is rush time, but it’s not like in SP, at all, don’t worry;
  47. How do you put ketchup on your sandwich? You bite it and put ketchup, bite it, put ketchup right? But in here, they open the sandwich, and spread ketchup all over it, close it and that’s it.
What else?
If you have something interesting to say about this topic that I didn’t mentioned, please, feel free to share with us! :)

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